Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Daytrip 3

Today's timcast comes from Philadelphia on the heels of Tim's trip to see Mike and Evy in their secret lair. They have a nice secret lair.
There was indeed a fry bread riot. Mike's bread is still the best around (other than Grandma's). And yes, there were games. Mike and Evy won dice games and Mike won a close game of Trivial Pursuit. Although, when i remythologize the trip, i'll probably claim to win all the games. Dice is a very serious business. It's a game that involves luck, some serious gaming medicine, and of course, the most vital part of Native culture... harassment. Dice work best when you psycho out your oponent. We laughed for hours over few games.
So, Mike's Indian Tacos. These are the best tacos I've had since I left the west. We feasted, we sat, we feasted some more. Lela waste, Kola.

The next morning we moved on to breakfast. A lovely diner called Stacks gave us omletes and more than enough breaksfast meats. The diner is situated on the Passaic River which seemed very low today. We ate while we watched mallards and black ducks swim passed.
Then we moved on to Evy's mother's house where she was cooking the best smelling spanish rice and chicken. I drove home listening to an excellent mixed cd that Mike made of powwow music.

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